Our publications




Documenting the lives of 200 women garment workers in Cambodia through COVID-19. Working to improve social protection for just and sustainable global supply chains in the aftermath of the pandemic.


Research Brief 1: How is COVID-19 impacting food security for workers in Cambodia’s garment industry? (2021) English | Khmer

Research Brief 2: How is COVID-19 affecting indebtedness of workers in Cambodia’s garment industry? (2022) English

Journal articles
and book chapters

Global precarity chains and the economic impact of COVID-19 on Cambodia’s garment workers. In: Shin, H.B., Mackenzie, M., and Young Oh, D. (eds) COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Insights for a Post-Pandemic World. LSE Press (2022)

Reduced ‘fates of the body’ and ‘production of value for others’ in the global garment industry: Thinking with Berlant on eating and hunger during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Geographical Journal (2022)

‘Worn out’: Debt discipline, hunger and the gendered contingencies of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social and Cultural Geography (2021)

Challenging the financial inclusion-decent work nexus. Global Public Policy and Governance (2021)