Our publications
Documenting the lives of 200 women garment workers in Cambodia through COVID-19. Working to improve social protection for just and sustainable global supply chains in the aftermath of the pandemic.
Journal articles
and book chapters
Global precarity chains and the economic impact of COVID-19 on Cambodia’s garment workers. In: Shin, H.B., Mackenzie, M., and Young Oh, D. (eds) COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Insights for a Post-Pandemic World. LSE Press (2022)
Reduced ‘fates of the body’ and ‘production of value for others’ in the global garment industry: Thinking with Berlant on eating and hunger during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Geographical Journal (2022)
‘Worn out’: Debt discipline, hunger and the gendered contingencies of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social and Cultural Geography (2021)
Challenging the financial inclusion-decent work nexus. Global Public Policy and Governance (2021)